Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Festival du Voyageur (#FDV2011) - Weird and Wonderful

Photographer: Hugh Allan
Source: Winnipeg Tribune fonds (PC 18, A.81-12) - Box 37, Folder 3005-3006, Item 110

Welcome to the first of a series of weird and wonderful photographs of the Festival du Voyageur.  Every day for the next week and a half while the Festival is going on this blog will display a photographic nugget or two on one aspect of the Festival du Voyageur that we have all come to know and love.  Tomorrow's topic: Ice sculptures!


  1. This is fantastic!! What year was this taken? HÉ HO!

  2. Risqué le métier de barbier au moment du Festival.

  3. I love how everyone looks cheery - except the guy with the gun. He's dead serious.
